
Thank you for your input!

We have a big opportunity in front of us. With $100,000 from Lilly Endowment Inc. and guidance from Ball State, we’ve been asking you what could we do together to  … Read more

Share your opinion!

Could you please do us a favor? Just answer a single question. What is something we can address or advance together to make a positive change in our community?  

Meet the RCCF Board: Ben Wicker

Meet the RCCF Board: Ben Wicker

It’s quite possible that Ben Wicker, RCCF Board Member, has soil running through his veins. From his studies and profession to his family’s farm and love of local foods, it  … Read more

Fall Grant Applications Due 9/1

2021 Fall Grant Applications Due 9/1

RCCF’s Fall Grant deadline is September 1st for the Community Grant program and for the following field-of-interest grants:   ● Community Grant Program – The Fall Cycle 2 of the  … Read more

30th Anniversary Celebration Wrap-up

Celebrating 30 years

RCCF was born out of a window of opportunity three decades ago. When Lilly Endowment Inc.’s first Giving Indiana Funds for Tomorrow (GIFT) challenge was offered, Rick Levi, Paul Barada  … Read more

Meet RCCF Intern: Riley Sheehan

For the past three summers, we’ve been fortunate enough to have an ace up our sleeve – intern, Riley Sheehan, through support from Lilly Endowment Inc. While Riley herself tends  … Read more