
Oh, What Fund(s)?!

You could say that the Rush County Community Foundation has impacted our community in over 11,000,000 ways.  Each dollar of the $11,000,000+ disbursed from our endowment funds has enabled a  … Read more

Financial Assistance for Cancer Patients

Through the Rush County Cancer Fund, Rush County Community Foundation [RCCF] is partnering with local organizations to provide assistance for Rush County residents going through financial hardship because of a  … Read more

RCCF Reflects on 2017

A New Year brings new resolutions, and additionally, a time to reflect on the accomplishments of the year that just passed.   Several goals were set for the Rush County  … Read more

Thank A Teacher via the RCCF!

As we enter the holiday season the Rush County Community Foundation would like to remind parents and students in all schools in Rush County that making a donation to the  … Read more