2023 Impact Update: Postcard #1

Download a pdf of the postcard.


A community foundation is a lot like a garden. Components work together to produce a harvest. Some, like seeds, plants, and water, are obvious. RCCF requires people – donors, volunteers, board, and staff – and dollars to create grants and scholarships. But just as high-quality soil is necessary for a garden’s success, so are sound policies and procedures within an organization.


We recently received our re-accreditation from the National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations®. This is a rigorous, voluntary process of documenting our policies for donor services, investments, grantmaking, administration, and more. This seal represents our commitment to best practices that exceed federal and state requirements. It demonstrates accountability and excellence to you.


We tend carefully to your gifts to ensure growth and a bounty for our community to support good works like those in this update. Together we thrive.


Read more about how together we are connecting the dots to picture a better life for all in Rush County.

2023 CYCLE I: $49,440

  • $24,000: The Open Resource will implement the next version of its successful Digital Navigator program.
  • $15,000: Manilla Community Volunteer Fire Department will install the first tornado siren in the area.
  • $ 5,290: City of Rushville Parks Department will expand and improve the disc golf course at Riverside Park.
  • $ 5,150: Heart of Rushville will install art on traffic boxes along Main Street in Rushville.



Your gifts to Community Funds provided a $12,620 grant in the fall of 2022 helped bring Milroy Elementary students’ plans to life.


With the sun shining and a drone flying overhead, red-shirted kids and adults lined the paved path in anticipation. On cue, everyone waved and cheered. “Kindergarten through 6th grade students worked together to design the path and different components to make it a great place for the students in years to come,” said Principal, Lisa Wilson. This hands-on engagement by the students is part of their newly-implemented project-based learning.


The next phase will contain a shaded area and bench. The path is open to the community. According to the students’ measurements, 6.5 laps equal a mile. Be sure to read more about this project and see both videos, courtesy of Eric Wagner, for an awesome bird’s eye view!



Our Scholarship Celebration is always such a feel-good event! It’s touching to witness the meetings between donors and the recipients of their scholarships. See a gallery of photos from the evening.


Congratulations to the 2023 RCCF scholarship recipients! 110 awards from 68 funds totaling $237,734.76 were presented to 65 local students. That’s an average of $3,599.23 per recipient. Your gifts make this support possible – thank you! See a gallery of the scholarship recipients, along with their awards.



Community Based Action Planning volunteers are addressing pressing challenges to create positive change.



Two new funds have recently been established.

  • Lightsource bp Raleigh Volunteer Fire Department Fund for the purchase and maintenance of emergency services equipment and vehicles.
  • Lightsource bp Rush County Schools Fund to be used for classroom equipment and supplies in classes that teach science, technology, engineering, mathematics or agriculture.