CBAP Update: Youth Mental Health Initiatives

A week before school was dismissed, all Benjamin Rush Middle School (BRMS) and Rushville Consolidated High School (RCHS) students took part in a live, interactive mental health event. The “Get Schooled Tour” by RemedyLIVE was made possible by your gifts to the Rush to Action Fund and the work of the CBAP Mental Health Committee.


The event included live music and anonymous polling on topics such as stressors, coping mechanisms, and self-esteem. Students answered questions with their phones or Chromebooks. Results were shown on a screen, and students were able to see that they are not alone when it comes to the challenges they face.


Meeting teens where they’re at – through the use of music and technology – is an effective approach to sharing mental health information and positive messages.


Jessica Mastin, Student Assistance Counselor at BRMS, shared that she received a lot of positive feedback from the students about the event. Data from the polling will help teachers and administrators tailor mental health messages to our community’s specific needs and concerns. Rush County Schools has secured funding for a another RemedyLIVE program next spring, called the ESCAPE program. It focuses on the dangers of vaping, alcohol and substance abuse, too much screen time, too much gaming and overeating and how these affect mental health.


Other CBAP initiatives included all Rush County elementary students participating in a similar, age-appropriate event in March. In partnership with Drew Hahn of Rush Memorial Hospital, all BRMS students received mindfulness journals and support in using them. These tools promote healthy ways to deal with stress and anxiety.


The CBAP Mental Health Committee knew it was tackling a huge issue when they began. If their efforts have helped even one student improve their life, they’ve been tremendously successful.

Students participating in the “Get Schooled Tour” by RemedyLIVE interactive mental health program

BRMS and RCHS students participating in the “Get Schooled Tour” by RemedyLIVE, an interactive mental health program.


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