Help Select an Amazing Teacher from Rush County! 11th May 2021 The Rush County Community Foundation was selected to assist in the search for an “Amazing Teacher” in Rush County. A new Indiana PBS series called Amazing Teachers is beginning production. One teacher from each of the 92 Indiana counties will be featured. Each episode will feature two teachers each from a different county. With over 60k teachers in Indiana, being selected is a pretty big deal! In order for Rush County to participate, we need your help. Identify an amazing local teacher, then download and complete the application. It can be returned via email ( or delivered to RCCF from 9 – 4 Monday – Friday or dropped in our Main Street depository to the right of our front door after hours. The only criteria are that they are still teaching and exceptional. It doesn’t matter what grade or course they teach. They can be with a public or private school. Thanks for your help identifying an applicant from Rush County’s wonderful teaching profession! Applications are due by 4 p.m. on Friday, May 28, 2021.