Rush County Boy Scouts of America fund

Rush County youth have always been fortunate to have a loyal group of Boys Scouts of America leaders.  These Scout leaders have provided many scouting opportunities which have allowed the youth of Rush County to grow and learn. 

The Rush County Boy Scouts of America fund, set up with the Rush County Community Foundation, was established in 2000 by William “Bill” Herdrich to provide financial support to the Rush County Boy Scouts, particularly to support attending scout camp or provide necessary supplies for a scouting organization.  Preference is given to those needing help to go to camp.  All Rush County Boy Scout and Cub Scout Troop leaders are invited to request funding for scouts who might need financial help to attend Boy Scout Camp, thus preserving the tradition and values of Scouting for generations to come. 

Applications are available at and are due by 4 p.m. on Friday, March 1st to the Rush County Community Foundation, 117 N. Main St., Rushville.  For questions, email or call 765-938-1177.

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