RFP Announced for Child Care Provider of Rush County’s REC Center

Rush County is what is known as a childcare desert. With only one church and a few home providers offering care, there simply aren’t enough openings to serve the needs of local families.


The REC Center project, coming to Rush County in the second half of 2024, will help fill this gap with a childcare center. It will have the capacity to serve up to 76 children, ages infant through five years.


This state-of-the-art community center will also contain a fitness facility, indoor pool, gathering spaces and new homes to the Rushville Public Library, food pantry, senior center, and other government and social services agencies.


RCCF is seeking an experienced, high-quality provider to operate the new childcare center. Those interested are invited to submit a proposalView requirements, full details, and contact information for questions/submission.

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