RCCF Grants $50,000 to RMH

Pictured left to right: Dr. Daas, Alisa Winters (RCCF Executive Director), Brad Smith (RMH CEO), Carrie Tressler (RMH VP of Nursing), Alle Lilly (RMH Foundation Executive Director)


When a world-wide crisis hits close to home, it becomes necessary to take all precautions and make every preparation to ensure our community thrives. The Rush County Community Foundation (RCCF) has granted $50,000 to Rush Memorial Hospital (RMH) in support of efforts to treat and stop the COVID-19 epidemic. The amount is equivalent to the cost of a new respirator but will be used for the most urgent need as determined by RMH.


Brad Smith, President and CEO of RMH shared these thoughts. “This generous donation is very timely and will be extremely helpful in taking care of patients with COVID-19.  As hospitals across the nation face the challenges of preparing and dealing with the COVID-19 crisis, many hospitals including Rush Memorial have postponed elective surgeries and other non-urgent hospital based types of services.  Hospitals are doing this to conserve PPE (personal protective equipment) and to make sure beds are available to deal with the surge of patients that are expected to hit all hospitals. Hospitals, especially small rural hospitals, depend on elective surgeries as well as other hospital services to make them viable. As a result, Rush Memorial Hospital is experiencing a tremendous revenue decrease while our expenses are increasing due to dealing with COVID-19. So to receive such a sizable donation like this allows us to purchase additional equipment necessary to take care of more patients that have COVID-19 during these challenging economic times. I want to thank Alisa Winters and the Rush County Community Foundation Board of Directors for thinking of the needs of the hospital and the community during these unprecedented times. This donation will help save lives. We are RUSHSTRONG and we will get through this together.”


Donations from RCCF’s Community Grants funds made this gift possible. These dollars have the greatest flexibility to make an impact. Taking a proactive approach to grantmaking allows RCCF to respond to the ever-changing and most critical needs of the community as they arise.


We are so fortunate to have Rush Memorial Hospital in our community.  Amidst this time of uncertainty, we can feel a sense of security with the level of RMH’s staff expertise and their commitment to care.  Healthcare providers around the world are facing unprecedented challenges, and our goal is to provide enough funding to reduce some of the burden RMH is facing.  This grant will allow our hospital to divert their funds to other critical needs and our community to receive the highest quality of care locally – throughout the COVID crisis and beyond.  This grant is made possible by the discretionary funds at RCCF and the many wonderful donors who have entrusted us to grant funds to the greatest community needs.


To support RCCF’s Community Grants funds or the Rush to Help: COVID-19 Rapid Relief Fund, you can donate online, or you may also mail a check to: RCCF, 117 N. Main Street, Rushville, IN 46173. Together, we can enhance life for all in Rush County for today and tomorrow.


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