Introducing our 2019 Board of Directors: Dr. Suellen Reed

Dr. Suellen Reed’s career in education has led her from the classroom to 16 years as the Superintendent of Public Instruction for the State of Indiana.   Though she is formally retired, her volunteer involvements throughout Rush County and the state keep her active full-time!  Dr. Reed resides on her family farm and is serving her fifth year on the RCCF board of directors, currently acting as past-president. Read more about Suellen below:

1. Did you grow up in Rush County? Where did you go to school? 

Yes. Richland Township School and New Salem High School. 

2. What are your hobbies and interests? 

Cooking, gardening, and reading.

3. Do you work with any other community organizations?

County and Local Extension Homemakers, Retired Teachers, and the New Salem United Methodist Church.

4. What do you like most about your community?

I love living in the country near neighbors and friends I have known all my life.

5. How did you become involved with RCCF?

At first Joe Hogsett and I were honorary board members. The founders and Susie Northam Hazlett were all my friends. 

6. What is something that people may not know about the Foundation that you wished they did?

How much good the Foundation does and how carefully the friends are managed and how much each contribution means.

7. Do you believe that the Foundation plays an important role in the community? How so?


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