Grantee Update: Rush County 4-H Horse and Pony Club

2022 Recipient $10,000: Community Grant

Our objective was to make our grounds more handicap accessible and repair the concrete around the show office and concession building to improve safety. Major project was to make our restrooms handicap accessible by redoing the concrete, extending a walkway along the side of the building, and putting in a drive and unloading area up to the walkway.


The 4H Horse and Pony Club is unique in that it has its own horse park facility where the club has regular riding and practice throughout the summer and fall and where we have our Fair Show in June. The club itself is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the grounds and buildings. All of the funds for this comes from fundraisers, sponsorships and donations. The grounds include a main arena, a makeup arena, show office with announcer’s stand, storage and concessions, restrooms with showers.


When the grounds were rebuilt in 2001, the restrooms were located on a hill so that the existing septic system could be utilized. This location has always made it difficult for anyone with mobility issues. It has been our goal for many years to improve access to the restrooms to make it handicap accessible. Along with that, the concrete around the show office was in need of repair and wheelchair access was needed.


Due to material shortages and contractor demands, concrete work was not started until May of 2023. A volunteer stepped up to do the work using the remaining grant money after install of the concrete. Any remaining funds needed were provided by the club. This facility is also rented by a local saddle club who has five open horse shows during the season as well as member families who utilize the facility for family gatherings. With the completion of this project the 4H members, their families and guests and all who use the horse park will have a safer and more user-friendly experience.

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