Funds: Education

David and Barbara Malson Kindergarten Book Pass-Through Fund

A non-permanent grant fund established by David and Barbara Malson to provide each and every Kindergarten child attending Rushville Elementary, East and West, with a gift of a book or books of up to $10/per child.

Dr. Robert Stewart Memorial Fund

A designated endowment fund to support Rushville Elementary School.

Lightsource bp Rush County Schools Fund

Provide support to Rush County Schools, to be used for classroom equipment and supplies in classes that teach science, technology, engineering, mathematics or agriculture.

Nature Center Fund

A designated endowment fund to provide money to sustain the Nature Center of the Rush County Schools.  Monies shall be used for the maintenance of the Nature Center, private and public school field trips for Rush County students, and other needs of the Nature Center.

Phillip Kent Mull/Beth Swaim Kabalka Education Fund

A designated endowment fund that supports individual students who need books or other necessities.

Robert N. and Mary Lou Veatch and Family Fund

A designated endowment fund to support the music and athletic programs at Arlington Elementary School, Arlington, IN.

Roy Waggener Family Fund

A designated endowment fund that supports the Rushville Consolidated High School Music Program.

Rush County Education Fund (Thank-A-Teacher)

Established in 1994, this fund supports education-related projects not provided for in the Rush County School’s budget; grants are available to teachers, students, administrators, and volunteer parents.

Donations from “Thank-a-Teacher” and “Memories” benefit the Rush County Education Fund.

Grant Application: Rush County Education Fund – Due 9/1.

Rush County Schools Legacy Fund (Pass-Through)

A temporary pass-through fund that provides financial support for the Rush County Schools.

Rushville Elementary School Parent Teacher Group Fund

A designated endowment fund to support the efforts of the RES Parent-Teacher Group.

Rushville St. Mary Catholic School Foundation Fund

The purpose of the Rushville St. Mary Catholic School Foundation Fund is to provide support to St. Mary Catholic School.

Varsity Scholar Fund

A designated endowment fund that provides support to the Varsity Scholar Awards program.

Wall Family Memorial Fund

A designated endowment fund that supports the Agri-Science Department of Rushville Consolidated High School.