Rush County’s Readiness for Change Part 3: Survey Says…

In effort to get more input and insight about our community, we shared a survey online. The respondents alone told us a lot. Females and long-time residents were well-represented. Guys, we need you to step it up! Other voices missing from the conversation were young people and newcomers to our community. We know these groups have a lot to add.

Here’s what you had to say:

Some of the findings were interesting and even seemingly contradictory. Upon further thought, they made sense. While 47% STRONGLY AGREE that Rush County is a GREAT place to raise a family, only 37% STRONGLY AGREE that it’s a GREAT place to live.


Looking back at part 2 of this series the part 2 of this series, the Community Insights Recap, the answers begin to come into focus. This speaks to our collective feelings about loving our ag/rural lifestyle, small towns and the people – friends and family. These are all great reasons to raise a family here. But it also takes into account what we would LIKE TO LOVE – more and improved parks and trails, blight/beautification efforts, a community center, better housing options and broadband internet access. These are all amenities that make us love where we live.


These thoughts should guide our community into the future. An excellent way to increase the quality of life for our current residents and those considering moving to Rush County is to focus on developing amenities. Community input is essential, as is ensuring all voices are being heard.


How do we move forward? We’ll explore that in the fourth and final part of this series.

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