CBAP Update: Passing the Torch

CBAP Projects Update

Inside Rushville’s City Center, a group of CBAP (Community Based Action Planning) volunteers gathered in mid-February to share fajitas, successes, and tips for how to keep their momentum going. “This  … Read more

CBAP Update

Community Based Action Planning Projects Update

Efforts by the Community Based Action Planning (CBAP) committees continue to address some of the most pressing and requested needs of Rush County residents. New partnerships and friendships are forming.  … Read more

CBAP Projects Update: Progress!

Community Based Action Planning Projects Update

A home on the worldwide web for everything to love about Rush County, completed downtown beautification projects and wonderful parks programming. These are just of few of the positive changes  … Read more

Building Leadership Skills

Alisa and board member, Ben Wicker, recently spent a day learning ways to lead our community forward and create a vibrant future at the Lilly Endowment Inc GIFT Community Foundation  … Read more