2024 Scholarship Recipients 11th June 2024 Congratulations to the 2024 RCCF scholarship recipients! 115 awards from 73 funds totaling $266,535 were presented to 63 local students. Thank you to all our fund founders and donors for making this support possible! “As always, the accomplishments and qualifications of our applicants are amazing. It’s great to be able to provide assistance to so many deserving students. We are honored that fund donors have entrusted us to carry out their scholarship mission. Best wishes to all Rush County students in their pursuit of higher education,” shared Kristie Amos, Program Officer. To view a slideshow of all recipients, click on any photo. Use the arrows to the right and left to manually advance or the play button at the bottom. To learn even more about them search on Facebook, Twitter/X or Instagram. Don’t miss the gallery of photos from the celebration with donors, either. Anderson University Ball State University Butler University Franklin College Grace College Indiana State University Indiana University Indiana University Indianapolis IU East Ivy Tech Richmond Marian University Marian University College of Osteopathic Medicine Miami University of Ohio Mid-America College of Funeral Service Mount Saint Joseph University Oklahoma State University Parkland College Purdue University Southern Illinois University Trine University University of Cincinnati University of Indianapolis University of Kentucky Lilly Nominee Scholarship David L. Green, M.D. Creativity Award - Vocational Frank L. and Frances L. Hilburt Scholarship Frank L. and Frances L. Hilburt Scholarship Holli Spaeth Memorial Scholarship, Jack and Cinda Brown Basketball Mental Attitude Scholarship David L. Green, M.D. Creativity Award - Academic Courtney Anne Huskins Scholarship #4, Frank L. and Frances L. Hilburt Scholarship, Wilma B. Wainwright Memorial Scholarship Jinks Family Scholarship Holli Spaeth Memorial Scholarship, Jeff Hufford Memorial Scholarship East Central Opportunities Scholarship Fund Rush County 4-H Junior Leader Scholarship, Kyle Henderson Memorial Scholarship, Harold Clifton and Frances Mitchell Clifton Memorial Scholarship Fund Carol Niehoff Hardwick Memorial Scholarship, Pippa Flanary Memorial Scholarship, Ward Richardson & Corn Families Scholarship Grant Brower Memorial Scholarship, Michael J. Keith Memorial Scholarship Mays Elementary 1929-2015 Scholarship Holli Spaeth Memorial Scholarship, Jack and Cinda Brown Basketball Mental Attitude Scholarship Duward G. Reddick Kiwanis Scholarship, Holli Spaeth Memorial Scholarship, Robert L. Winters Scholarship Frank L. and Frances L. Hilburt Scholarship, Rex A. & Lucille G. Readle Educational Fund Jinks Family Scholarship Dick Neeb Memorial Scholarship, Frank L. and Frances L. Hilburt Scholarship Frank L. and Frances L. Hilburt Scholarship Frank L. and Frances L. Hilburt Scholarship, John and Martha Leising Scholarship Frank L. and Frances L. Hilburt Scholarship Glen A. and Alice R. Wiley Scholarship, Grayson J. Mahin Scholarship, Hubert and Anna Louise Chance Memorial Scholarship, Kiwanis Scholarship Frank L. and Frances L. Hilburt Scholarship, Marcia and Les Blair Community Scholarship Jinks Family Scholarship Melvin D. Gray Art Scholarship Frank L. and Frances L. Hilburt Scholarship, Milroy Christian Church Scholarship Fund Est. by Kenneth E. and Mabel B. Smith Christopher Lee Davis Scholarship, Glen A. and Alice R. Wiley Scholarship, Kyle Henderson Memorial, Michael J. Keith Memorial Scholarship Scholarship Frank L. and Frances L. Hilburt Scholarship Hubert and Grace Alexander Scholarship, Marian G. White Purdue Scholarship Harold Clifton and Frances Mitchell Clifton Memorial Scholarship Fund, Ken Brashaber FFA Scholarship Frank L. and Frances L. Hilburt Scholarship, Margaret E., M. Ralph and William R. Matney Scholarship, Mental Health Association Bobby Dean Scholarship Courtney Anne Huskins Scholarship #2, Norma R. Harcourt School of Nursing Memorial Scholarship Ashley Spurlin Memorial Scholarship Frank L. and Frances L. Hilburt Scholarship, Madeline Gullion Knight Scholarship, Phillip E. Mitchell Scholarship Frances Duncan Murphy Scholarship Frank L. and Frances L. Hilburt Scholarship, Richard and Loretta Busald Family Nursing Scholarship Charlotte Frame Sleeth Trust Scholarship, Frank L. and Frances L. Hilburt Scholarship, John Foster Memorial Scholarship, Laurie Saunders Marlatt Memorial Scholarship Judge John W. Goddard Family Scholarship Holli Spaeth Memorial Scholarship Frank L. and Frances L. Hilburt Scholarship Holli Spaeth Memorial Scholarship Jean H. Walker and Ivan G. Alexander Scholarship, Ruth and Bill Houk Scholarship Frank L. and Frances L. Hilburt Scholarship Jinks Family Scholarship Courtney Anne Huskins Scholarship #3, Holli Spaeth Memorial Scholarship, Joan L. McLaughlin Memorial Scholarship Frank L. and Frances L. Hilburt Scholarship, Joan L. McLaughlin Memorial Scholarship Lora Brook Hatfield Memorial Scholarship David and Barbara Malson Indiana University Scholarship, Elizabeth Betty Ann Green and Barbara Blacklidge Green Memorial Scholarship, Jessy L. McClure Memorial Scholarship Frances Duncan Murphy Scholarship, Frank L. and Frances L. Hilburt Scholarship Marion & Lois Liggett and Family Educational Scholarship Frank L. and Frances L. Hilburt Scholarship, Thomas F. Marshall Scholarship Ashley Spurlin Memorial Scholarship Frank L. and Frances L. Hilburt Scholarship Frank L. and Frances L. Hilburt Scholarship, Scott Brooks Memorial Scholarship, Ashley Spurlin Memorial Scholarship Holli Spaeth Memorial Scholarship, Rush County 4-H Junior Leader Scholarship, John and Susan Wilson Unsung Hero Award Victor and Dorothy Koontz Memorial Scholarship Danny E. and Barbara Gettinger and Family Scholarship, Robert Meyer and Family 4-H Scholarship Courtney Anne Huskins Memorial Scholarship #1, Holli Spaeth Memorial Scholarship, John Sam Anderson Scholarship, Rush Co. Friends of Purdue University Scholarship Fund, Mary Katherine Waits, Principal Donor Gordon D. and Mary S. Wilson Scholarship, Morris F. and Jane Marshall Fisher Scholarship