2022 Field of Interest Fund Grants Awarded

When a donor is passionate about a certain cause, she or he might start a fund to support projects addressing challenges and making positive progress in that area. These are known as Field of Interest Funds.


Each fall local nonprofits and educators are invited to apply. This year’s grants totaled $15,871.


Music for Rush County Fund

  • The Rushville Regional Theatre helps local actors utilize their passions and find an audience in their community. They are expanding their repertoire and received a $2432.10 grant for a production of skits and songs from Broadway.


Rita Yager Memorial Ag Grant Fund

  • Rush County Soil & Water Conservation District is an agency dedicated to helping local residents conserve land, water, forests, wildlife and related natural resources. With a $1400 grant, they will work with other area agencies to provide a series of gardening and conservation programs to be held in our local parks next year. The funds will cover the purchase of seeds, potting mix, seed starting trays/pots, a permanent compost bin and signage/message board. This series of programs will be designed to help people learn to garden on a large or small scale. They plan to teach the basics of how to begin a garden, start your own seeds, compost waste, keep your soil healthy, look for ways to conserve natural resources, manage weeds and pests, attract pollinators and more.


Rita Yager Memorial Ag Grant Fund ($1400)/Rush County Ag Fund ($365.37)/Rush County Education Fund ($503.94)/Rush to Action Fund ($1400)

    • It took a village of funds but Shantel Cartwright, Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS) teacher at Benjamin Rush Middle School (BRMS) received full funding in the amount of $3884 for her project. She will lead a field trip for all 8th graders at BRMS to learn about ag-related careers and opportunities right here in Rush County and will include a farm-to-table component. This is the first grant awarded from the Rush County Ag Fund. First established in 2017, it is almost entirely funded by gifts of grain. What an appropriate first grant!


Alex Workman Memorial Fund

    • All of our elementary schools do such a good job of making sure their students have tools to help them stay focused and succeed. Anna Jo Richards from Rushville Elementary School West (RESW) knows how to help her students manage their emotions and stress. She has created “Calming Corners” that children can utilize and not disturb other students. Her latest grant of $1429.92 will add color changing bubble lamps all of the RESW classroom Calming Corners.


Kenneth and Charlotte Brashaber Teacher Enhancement Fund

    • RCHS science students have the best time learning with their teacher, Brooke Edwards. She makes science relevant and fun. With this $1000 grant, she will be able to provide project-based STEM learning to develop skills for the real world in an exciting and engaging way with programming from “Project Lead the Way.”


Rush County Education Fund

    • This fund is a great resource for teachers, students, administrators, and volunteer parents to apply for in support of education-related projects not covered in the school’s budget.
    • Kelli Koors, Title I Teacher at RESW, received a $1980 grant to purchase benchmark leveling kits to help with reading instruction.
    • Melissa Crowe, Title I Coordinator at RESE, will use a $2267.53 grant to purchase books for Family Literacy Night.
    • Kate Schwertfeger, 7th grade teacher at BRMS, received a $1,691.96 grant to upgrade technology and communication in her Digital Citizenship class.


Is there an interest that you’re passionate about? We can help you make sure that there are dollars available to support local efforts forever. Get in touch with us at info@rushcountyfoundation.org or (765) 938-1177.

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