2022 Cycle I Community Grants Announced

Your gifts to Community Grants Funds provide unrestricted support to cover a wide range of Rush County’s ever-changing needs. These dollars impact nearly every resident of our county in one way or another through grants to fund emergency services, healthcare, early learning, amenities, education, heritage, culture and the arts – not just today but forever. Thank you!


Our all-volunteer grants committee made the following awards for Cycle I:

  • Manilla Volunteer Fire Department received $7,000 to purchase two sets of turnout gear and boots to outfit two new volunteer firemen. These uniforms are essential to doing their work and keeping the community safe.
  • Rush County 4-H Horse & Pony Club received $10,000 to add sidewalk access to the restroom facilities and repair cracked sidewalk to the office and concession stand to provide accessibility and safety for all members and guests.


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