Youth Athletic Fund Grant Awarded to LionStrong Program

LionStrong, a joint venture between Rush Memorial Hospital and Rushville Consolidated High School, is the 2018 recipient of the Rush County Community Foundation Youth Athletic Fund grant!  The funds awarded will be used to assist with the purchase of supplies for healthy snacks to accompany a nutrition lesson aimed toward high school athletes and other students who attend the study tables after school on Wednesdays. The goal is to provide knowledge of the needs of a growing, athletic body to be active as well as teaching basic cooking and food preparation skills.   RMH Dietician Claire Bedel is presenting the lessons, with assistance from Greg Pratt, track and field coach.


The Youth Athletic Fund was established by J.R. Billman in 1994.  Proceeds are to be awarded annually as grants to support the training of amateur athletes and coaches and/or promote educational opportunities for youth through athletic excellence.


If you would like more information about the Youth Athletic Fund or any of the more than 195 funds at the Foundation please contact the Foundation office.


Meeting the philanthropic needs of Rush County since 1991, The Rush County Community Foundation, Inc. is a nonprofit public charity established  to serve donors, award grants and scholarships, and provide leadership to enrich and enhance the quality of life in Rush County, Indiana, not only today, but for our future generations.  For more information please visit or contact Alisa Winters, Executive Director

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