The RCCF Response to COVID-19

The well-being of our community is always on our minds. As we all face this unprecedented health crisis of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, we want to assure you that we are taking precautions for the health and safety of our donors, visitors, volunteers and staff.


In the best interest of everyone, we’ve made the decision to close our office through Friday, March 27. We will reevaluate this decision at that time.


We will be working remotely and checking these contact points throughout the day. If you need to reach us, please:


Please note that all previously scheduled in-person meetings with RCCF staff will be cancelled, rescheduled, or conducted by phone. The RCCF board room will be closed to outside meetings. As always, donations are accepted 24/7 on our secure donation page. You may mail checks to: Rush County Community Foundation, 117 N. Main Street, Rushville, IN 46173. These gifts will be processed as quickly as possible.


While our physical space is closed, be assured that we are continuing our work. The coming weeks and months will require even greater unity and more resources to support our community. We are working now to develop the best plan of action with our partners.


In the meantime – keep washing your hands, practicing social distancing and staying home. Call someone you love, read a book, write a letter, go for a walk, support local businesses through online and gift card sales and carry-out food. And be well!


We have great faith in our community to come together, meet these challenges and thrive. We are so grateful for your support and generosity.

RCCF staff and board

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