The Foundation of Your Hometown

A fun week of hometown spirit culminates tonight as the Rushville Lions football team takes on South Dearborn at the annual Homecoming game.  Students and alumni alike look forward to this Friday night tradition, an opportunity to reunite and celebrate our great community under the bright lights.


When thinking about “Homecoming” in our community it’s likely the first thought is returning to RCHS for a football game, but the spirit of homecoming extends far beyond one week and one Friday night game for many of our alumnus.  Friendships and family ties keep the heart of those even continents away close to home.  Support for Rush County comes from continued reunions, outreach through technology, the contribution of ideas, and financial support.


Thinking about Homecoming sparked the question:  of our donor base, what percentage resides outside of our community?  It’s common to see donations arrive both online and in the mail from donors hundreds of miles away.  As we did the research, we found:

  • This year, of total gifts we’ve received:
    • 13% are from out of state
    • 17% are from Indiana, but outside of Rush County.
  • When reviewing this year’s individual donors:
    • 59% reside in Rush County
    • 23% live in the state but out of the county
    • 18% of our donors are from outside of Indiana.


Though not all of the 41% of donors contributing to us this year from outside of Rush County formerly resided here, each one of these donors has some connection to Rush County that encouraged them to make a donation that would forever allow us to give back to Rush County.  Their generosity will assist us as the Rush County Community Foundation to help people of all means improve our community now and in the future.  Though our donors may reside elsewhere, many have ties to our community that encourage them to continue to contribute to us to support the longevity and philanthropic capacity of Rush County non-profit agencies, the ongoing needs of our community, and educational programs and opportunities for our schools, educators, and students.


The Rush County Community Foundation exists to serve donors, award grants and scholarships, and provide leadership to enrich and enhance the quality of life in Rush County, Indiana, not only today, but for generations to come.  For more information, visit us online at or at 117 N. Main St., Rushville.

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