Scholarships: How to Apply

To apply for any of the Rush County Community Foundation Scholarships you must be:

  • A resident of Rush County. Residence is defined by maintaining a permanent address in Rush County, or being claimed as a dependent by a Rush County resident. A small number of RCCF Scholarships are open to non-residents; this is indicated on the Scholarship Cover Pages.
  • Intending to begin or continue coursework in post-secondary education within the calendar year of the application deadline.



The Class of 2025 Scholarships AND Current College Student/Trade/Vocational School Scholarships Application is open and due February 15, 2025



The Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship for the Class of 2025 has been awarded.    





Additional tutorials can be found on the application logon page.



In order to make the application process quicker and easier, it is recommended that you do some preparation in a Word document, Google doc, etc. Here is a document containing the sections and information that will be required to complete the online application. It will benefit you to create a document that contains each of the sections, one through twelve, and have them saved. You can then easily copy and paste them into the online application in the required field. (These are the same questions that have been used in the past, so if you are a current college student you probably already have them saved.)

Get started early. There is a “save” function, so you can return at any time. Plus, some scholarships you are eligible for may require additional questions. You won’t know what those are until you submit your initial application. Don’t wait until the last minute.

You may choose to review the individual scholarship cover pages, but the online application will use your answers to choose the scholarships for which you are eligible.



In addition to the online application, you will need to provide:

  • Class Rank and Class Size (if you are a current high school senior)
  • Cumulative Grade Point Average
  • Diploma/Degree Type
  • Electronic copy of IRS Form 1040, page 2 OR WHICHEVER PAGE shows ADJUSTED GROSS INCOME for tax year 2023 (2022 if 2023 is not yet available) for the parent(s)/guardian(s) who claimed applicant on taxes for that year. Legal Dependents may have their own tax return. (For those of you who have applied for scholarships from the RCCF in the recent past, College Cost Estimator is no longer available, hence the change in the method of reporting.)
  • Copy of your SAR (Student Aid Report) from your FAFSA filing that lists EFC (Expected Family Contribution)
  • Students will be given additional instructions if the scholarships they qualify for require additional essays or uploads.



Complete and submit the application, along with any supplemental requests (such as essays, letters of recommendation, etc.) by  FEBRUARY 15, 2025, 11:59 PM.  (The LECS is due September 15, 2024.)  If you have questions, please feel free to contact us at