Scholar Update: Ben Wicker

When local farmer Ben Wicker isn’t out on the farm, he is working to educate farmers about fertilizers and manure. Ben serves as the executive director for the non-profit organization Indiana Agriculture Nutrient Alliance. Ben is also father to three charming girls. Because of his daughters, Ben is very active at Milroy Elementary School where he helps coordinate All Pro Dads. This chapter of a national organization has monthly breakfasts where fathers eat with their children and talk with them about character development. You may have heard of this organization before due to their national spokesperson, Tony Dungy. As much as Ben loves having something in common with the legend Tony Dungy, he loves being able to spend time with his daughters even more, which is what this organization is all about.


Aside from school involvements, Ben also gives back to the community as an active member of Milroy United Methodist Church, and he serves on both the 4-H Council and Rush County Community Foundation board. Ben tries to be very involved because he wants his children and other kids to have great, rich experiences here in Rush County like he did when he was growing up. Now that he is an adult, Ben realizes just how much work and money had to go into those organizations for him to benefit from their opportunities. Due to this realization, Ben truly believes that philanthropy is an essential part of the lifeblood of a community. 


Ben’s philanthropic views were partially formed by receiving an RCCF scholarship. His scholarship opened many doors for him and allowed him to get a great education, which would have been difficult without aid. It also made him realize that someone in Rush County gave of himself so that Ben would be able to achieve his dreams. How great is that? As Ben said, “you never know what kind of impact you can make on someone down the road in their lives just by giving of yourself.” Here at RCCF we couldn’t agree more, and we are so lucky to have Ben on our team!

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