Rush County Education Fund Inspires Creative Art and Writing 13th October 2017 The RCHS Fine Arts Department received a Rush County Community Foundation Education Grant for Pilot Varsity Fountain Pens. These new fountain pens will replace the old pen nibs and ink wells. Mari Romero is seen here testing the new pens. “I love the bright colors and they do not drip ink.” The pens were made available to the art department through a RCCF Education Grant. “We are very excited to use these new tools in our classes. Mrs. Schultz and I had been searching for a new alternative to the old ink pens and the students seem to love the bright colors,” said Ms.Connolly. “We want the students to have the experience of a pen with a nib, but we have found the old pen and ink method very messy. We have been wanting to try this alternative, but didn’t want to finance a test project with student fees.” The Rush County Education Fund made the opportunity to purchase the new fountain pens possible. Rush County Community Foundation is a tax-exempt public charity that allows people to establish permanent endowment funds within the scope of one large foundation. The RCCF Education grant was established in 1994, this fund supports education-related projects not provided for in the Rush County School’s budget; grants are available to teachers, students, administrators, and volunteer parents. Check out some of the students new art using the pens this spring at the RCHS Art Show!