Rush County Class of 1963 Fund established Enthused by the opportunity to make a lasting difference in Rush County, Paul Barada, Dan Earnest, and Dr. Suellen Reed have begun the Rush County Class of 1963 Fund at the Rush County Community Foundation. The named unrestricted endowment fund will forever support Rush County through impactful grants to the Rush County community. Representing the Rushville High School Class of 1963, Paul Barada and Dan Earnest recognized the current $2 for $1 match on donations to unrestricted endowment funds as an outstanding way to utilize remaining class funds from their recent 55th reunion. Their excitement was shared by their Rushville classmates, as well as New Salem High School alumna Dr. Suellen (Kinder) Reed, also of the Class of 1963, which ignited the idea of extending the fund beyond the city to include all the former county high schools. As stated by Dr. Reed, “This fund offers a wonderful way for the Class of ’63 to give back to the community that has given us so much.” As co-founders of the Rush County Community Foundation along with their late friend and fellow 1963 classmate Rick Levi, Dan and Paul recognized the potential that donations to the Foundation could have on Rush County, long before the impact would become a reality. “Throughout the past 28 years we have both been humbled by the support our idea has received and the impact that has been made possible through the earliest believers, to ongoing supporters, and the generous contributors to Rush County Community Foundation,” Barada said. The Rush County Community Foundation’s growth and impact has surpassed their expectations, and once again, they are facilitating the betterment of Rush County through the establishment of this class fund. Earnest stated, “Our classmates unanimously agreed that this fund would be a much better way to honor our class and our hometown than planting a tree or purchasing another physical object. When the opportunity arose to extend this fund beyond city limits, it only made sense to welcome our fellow 1963 class members from throughout the county to take part in making the greatest impact possible.” Like many other donors and the Classes of 1969 and 1978, classmates from the Class of 1963 are maximizing the $2 for $1 match for community grant funds occurring right now at the Rush County Community Foundation to further the possibilities of their donation. “This is an ideal time for us to leave a lasting legacy in Rush County by establishing a permanent fund with our class name,” Barada continued, “Through this fund we can ensure that we remember fellow classmates, preserve our class’ spirits, and inspire others with a gift that will perpetually give back to the community we love.” If you would like to make a donation to this new Class of 1963 Fund you may send your donation to the Rush County Community Foundation, 117 N Main St, Rushville, IN 46173, or online at