RCHS Class of 1974 Tops $10,000 in Donations to Schroeder Fund

When the RCHS Class of 1974 was planning their 50th reunion, they reached out to us to find a way to give back to the community. Their campaign to raise money for the Love Community Center (LCC) was born.


We’re so excited to share that they’ve donated $10,780 to the Schroeder Fund for its sustainability! By exceeding the $10,000 mark, they’ve earned special recognition – a spot on the donor wall inside the LCC. We’re so grateful for their generosity! Here’s what it will look like:

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If your class or group would like take on this challenge, get in touch with Chris at cmay@rushcountyfoundation.org or (765) 938-1177, ext. 1 to get started.

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