RCHS Class of 1969 Fund Established

Representing the RCHS Class of 1969, Jennifer (Harcourt) Buchanan, Michael and Susan (Schneider) Howard, and Steve and Lynda (Curtis) Solimine, established the “RCHS Class of 1969 Fund,” an unrestricted endowment fund at the Rush County Community Foundation.

As their 50th class reunion approaches, the first consolidated class graduating from Rushville Consolidated High School (RCHS) decided to celebrate in an everlasting way:  through a gift enabling a named fund at the Rush County Community Foundation (RCCF).  Class representative Jennifer Buchanan said, “As the first consolidated class graduating from RCHS the one thing that unites us all is our love of Rush County.  By establishing this fund, we have the opportunity to keep Rush County viable while also permanently preserving our class name.  As we are getting older, many of us are looking for strong charitable organizations to give to now and bequeath later.  This fund provides a great opportunity for all of our classmates to give back to the community that gave us our start.”

Alisa Winters, Executive Director of RCCF, stated, “Rush County is a better place to live, work and play because of the generosity of our donors.  Donors who reside in our community, or who previously resided in our community, recognize that giving a gift to the Foundation provides a lasting impact on Rush County.  We are so grateful to the Class of ’69 for celebrating their milestone anniversary in such a creative, meaningful way.”

Classmates from the Class of 1969 are maximizing the $2 for $1 match for community grant funds occurring right now at the Rush County Community Foundation.  They hope to raise $3,500.00 by the RCHS Alumni Banquet in June to receive a $7,000 match from the Foundation.  As stated by Buchanan, “Directly and indirectly, we have all been impacted through projects enabled by these funds.  Classmates who have remained in Rush County have seen and felt the direct impact of community improvements made possible by these grant dollars.  Many of our classmates have moved away, and through visits back to the community and conversations with family still in Rush County even those outside of the county lines have seen the impact the RCCF fosters.  We are very, very excited to celebrate our 50th anniversary with this fund.”

If you would like to make a donation to this Fund you may send your donation to the Rush County Community Foundation, 117 N Main St, Rushville, IN 46173, or online at www.rushcountyfoundation.org.  The Class of ‘69 is challenging other RHS and RCHS classes to consider a class fund of their own, too! 


Meeting the philanthropic needs of Rush County since 1991, The Rush County Community Foundation, Inc.is a nonprofit public charity established  to serve donors, award grants and scholarships, and provide leadership to enrich and enhance the quality of life in Rush County, Indiana, not only today, but for our future generations.  For more information please visit or contact the office at 117 N. Main St., Rushville, IN 46173, or call (765) 938-1177.

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