Designated Funds To make a gift today, click on the Designated “Property” Card or scroll down to support an organization’s future forever! MAKE A GIFT TO ANY RCCF FUND CEMETERIES (back to top ↑) Arlington East Hill Cemetery: choose a fund Arlington East Hill Cemetery Fund Nelson Farms Endowment Fund Blue River Wesleyan Cemetery: give now Center Christian Church Cemetery: give now East Hill Cemetery: choose a fund Bert & Harriet Mullin and Roy & Edith Waggener Memorial Fund Rushville East Hill Cemetery Fund Hopewell Cemetery: choose a fund Donald and Mary Gray Marshall Fund Hopewell Cemetery Fund, in Memory of Robert & Marcia Scott and Buss & Esther Linville Hurst Cemetery: give now Joseph Hinchman Cemetery: give now Little Blue River Cemetery: give now McCarter Cemetery: give now St. Mary Cavalry Cemetery: give now CHURCHES (back to top ↑) Arlington Christian Church: give now Ben Davis Creek Christian Church: give now Carthage Community Church: give now Center Christian Church: give now East Street Christian Church of Carthage: give now First Presbyterian Church of Rushville: give now Main Street Christian Church of Rushville: give now New Salem United Methodist Church: give now Trinity Presbyterian Church of Rushville: give now EDUCATIONAL GROUPS (back to top ↑) 4-H Awards: choose fund Dessie H. Lower 4-H Fund Dolletta Marie Callahan Rush County 4-H Awards Fund RN Club: give now Rush County Boy Scouts: give now FRATERNAL ORGANIZATIONS (back to top ↑) Phoenix Lodge #62: give now Rush Masonic Lodge #580, F & AM of Carthage: choose fund Gilbert E. & Phyllis C. Joyce Fund Rush Masonic Lodge #580, F & AM of Carthage, Indiana Fund Rushville Elks: choose fund Donald and Mary Gray Marshall Fund Gilbert E. & Phyllis C. Joyce Fund PUBLIC SERVICES (back to top ↑) City of Rushville Parks Department: give now Milroy Street Light Association: give now Nature Center: give now Posey Township Volunteer Fire Department: give now Rush County Historical Society: choose a fund Cornelius B. and Nancy Waggener Oster Fund Nelson Farms Endowment Fund Pitman-Worthington Family Fund Rush County Humane Society: give now Rush Memorial Hospital / Healthcare: choose a fund Eva Leatrice Robinson Fund Judy Colangelo Cancer Treatment Fund Rush County Cancer Fund Rush County Health, Inc. Physician Presence Fund Rush Memorial Hospital Fund Rushville Public Library: choose a fund Laughlin Family Trust Fund Robert and Sandra Duddy Fund SCHOOLS (back to top ↑) Arlington Elementary School: give now Rushville Consolidated High School: choose a fund Phillip Kent Mull/Beth Swaim Kabalka Education Fund – aid to needy students Roy Waggener Family Fund – benefits Music Department Varsity Scholar Fund Wall Family Memorial Fund – benefits Agri-Science Department Rushville Elementary: choose a fund Dr. Robert D. Stewart Memorial Fund Rushville Elementary Parent-Teacher Group Fund St. Mary Catholic School: give now SOCIAL SERVICES (back to top ↑) ARC of Rush County: give now Boys and Girls Club of Rush County: give now Mahoning Valley Christian Service Camp: give now REC Center Ebert H. and Bessie M. Schroeder Fund Rushville/Rush County Community Center Fund Rush County Senior Citizens Center: choose a fund Gilbert E. & Phyllis C. Joyce Fund Rush County Senior Citizens Center, Inc. Fund Rush County Shares: give now Rush County United Fund: give now Like this? Share it: