Lilly Scholar Blossoms into a Philanthropist: Spencer Abrams

Former Youth in Philanthropy (YIP) member and Lilly Endowment Scholarship recipient Spencer Abrams currently resides in Brownsburg, Indiana, works in the software industry, and volunteers with his church and alma mater Purdue University. Spencer’s sense of purpose with philanthropy developed while he was in YIP because this organization taught him that if he wanted to be active in his community, then he had to participate and think about how he should give back each month. His church allows him to participate with 9 to 5 Ministries and a bible study, while Purdue values his input and leadership as part of the Krannert School Alumni Association Board. Spencer is proud of the many hometown organizations that provide service opportunities for Rush County citizens such as Relay for Life, the many active churches, and the RCCF. He believes Rush County has a solid base of opportunities that he hopes people take advantage of like he did when he interned for RCCF in high school. RCCF is proud to have helped Spencer start his life geared towards helping others through philanthropy!

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