Lilly Scholar Blossoms into a Philanthropist: James Brashaber

Former Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship recipient James Brashaber graduated in 2017 from DePauw University and currently works as a financial advisor at Valeo Financial Advisors. James describes receiving the Lilly scholarship as something unlike anything in his lifetime and an award that taught him a great deal about generosity. In fact, James would like to be able to create another generous scholarship in Rush County in the future, if possible. Before he was a Lilly recipient, James was involved in Youth in Philanthropy (YIP). YIP allowed James to make a difference in his community, and he is currently trying to make a difference for some human needs organizations through Valeo Financial Advisors Foundation. James attributes a lot of his philanthropic attitude and current success to his experiences and opportunities in Rush County. For example, James believes Rush County has great teachers, but of course he is not biased towards any particular high school math teacher (his mother, Karen Brashaber). James is very excited for the downtown developments such as the walking trails, movie theater, and brewery, and he hopes the youth and adults of the county will take advantage of them and maybe even see ways to become involved. RCCF is so proud of how James has blossomed into a man who cares about his current community while always rooting for and supporting where he came from.

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