Ken and Charlotte Brashaber Recognized for Contributions to the Rush County Community Foundation

On the evening of Tuesday, September 26, the Board of Directors of the Rush County Community Foundation recognized Ken and Charlotte Brashaber’s contributions to the Rush County Community Foundation with a picture presentation.  Alisa Winters, Executive Director of the Rush County Community Foundation, shared of Ken and Charlotte’s generosity and presented a framed photo of Ken and Charlotte created by Green’s Photography.  After the conclusion of the presentation, the photo was added to the Foundation’s Donor Wall.  The Donor Wall at the Rush County Community Foundation was created in the early 2000’s to honor donors that have contributed $50,000 or more to the Foundation.


In the past three years, Ken and Charlotte have established three permanent endowment funds at the Foundation.  Ken first established the Ken Brashaber FFA Scholarship Fund to benefit a graduating senior from RCHS that has been active in the FFA organization.  The following year, Ken established the Ken Brashaber Purdue FarmHouse Scholarship Fund to support students active in the FarmHouse chapter at Purdue University. Eager to impact our educators, Ken and Charlotte developed the Ken and Charlotte Brashaber Teacher Enhancement Award in 2016 to provide high school teachers the opportunity to share experiences both outside and inside their classroom to enhance the learning process for students.


Ken’s passion for education and motivation for beginning three endowment funds directly relating to helping those seeking to further their education stems from a 38 year career in teaching.  Ken taught in Rush County from 1951-1989, with one year out to serve as a 2nd Lieutenant in the Air Force.  Ken taught Ag at Mays until 1965, while also serving as the FFA advisor and 4-H leader.  He spent the remainder of his career teaching Ag and serving as the FFA advisor at RCHS.  Ken obtained his degree from Purdue University, where he was an active member of the FarmHouse chapter.


Charlotte is a nurse and spent the majority of her working years as a homemaker, where she raised four children.  Since becoming married 15 years ago, she and Ken have split their time between their two home communities, churches, and families in Rush and Monroe Counties.  Also having a passion for education and making a difference in the lives of children, Charlotte has served as a volunteer reader in the Rush County and Monroe County school systems.


The Brashabers’ generosity has provided a total of $7,500 in scholarships to five Rush County students and most recently, $1,000 to a RCHS teacher and journalism advisor to purchase a camera and take photography lessons.  Their funds will enable their legacy to live on, while forever making a difference on the students and teachers in our community.  Thank you, Ken and Charlotte, for choosing the Rush County Community Foundation as the means to realizing your charitable goals.

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