Introducing our 2019 Board of Directors: Arika Marlatt

Arika Yager Marlatt is full of good ideas and energy.  From her job as a marketing specialist, to her entrepreneurial small business, to her involvement in other Rush County organizations, she brings knowledge as well as a passion for living her best life in Rush County.  Read about Arika below:

  1. Did you grow up in Rush County? Where did you go to school?

   Yes! I went to St. Mary’s, BRMS, and RCHS.

  1. What are your hobbies and interests?

   Crafting and hanging out with my family.

  1. Do you work with any other community organizations?

I work with the Boys and Girls Club, the Fair Board, and the Chamber of Commerce.

  1. What is something that people may not know about the foundation that you wished they did?

          They do more than just scholarships.


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