How is a Community Foundation Like a Garden?

A community foundation is a lot like a garden. Many components work together to produce a harvest. Some parts like seeds, plants, and water are obvious. RCCF requires people – donors, volunteers, board, and staff – and dollars to create grants and scholarships. But just as high-quality soil is necessary for a garden’s success, so are sound policies and procedures within an organization.


We recently received our re-accreditation from the National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations®. This is a rigorous, voluntary process of documenting our policies for donor services, investments, grantmaking, administration, and more. This seal represents our commitment to best practices that exceed federal and state law requirements and demonstrates accountability and excellence to our community, policymakers, the public, and you.


You can be assured that we tend carefully to your gifts to ensure growth and a bounty for our community. Organizations and projects that provide for Rush County, like Rush County Soil & Water/Rushville Parks Department’s “Grow with Us” program and the community garden, will be well-cared for with grants. Together we thrive.

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