Eligibility Guidelines

The Foundation welcomes grant applications from any non-profit organization which benefits Rush County, or its citizens. It generally favors grant requests which:

  • impact a substantial number of people in our community
  • propose practical solutions to current problems or address a current community interest
  • are preventative rather than remedial in nature
  • examine and address underlying causes of local needs
  • encourage cooperation and elimination of duplicate services
  • stimulate volunteer involvement
  • are from established agencies tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code

The Foundation also invites applications to help fund new organizations who seek to meet demonstrated need or to benefit the community through creative and innovative projects and programs.

Due to the volume of applications the Foundation limits the scope of activities it can support. As a general rule, it does not make grants from unrestricted funds for the following:

  • Ongoing operating expenses or annual fundraising drives
  • Existing obligations, debt reduction or building campaigns
  • Individuals or travel expenses
  • Multi-year grants or repeat funding
  • Advocacy or political purposes
  • Religious or sectarian purposes
  • Loans or endowments

It will, however, consider any proposal which is charitable in nature and could have a major impact on our community.

The Rush County Community Foundation does not discriminate in matters of age, race, religion, sex or native origin and expects that grant applicant observe like standards.