Grantee Update: Milroy Community Food Pantry 9th October 2023 The photos of produce you see above were taken by volunteers at MCFP and distributed to those in need. 2023 Grant Recipient $10,000: Helen and Jim Ewing Fund To Help the Elderly and Feed the Hungry Milroy Community Food Pantry (MCFP), located inside Milroy Elementary School was started in the summer of 2019. It is run entirely by volunteers. MCFP provides food to those in need including produce, protein, dairy, and shelf stable items. They are open the first Saturday of the month from 10am-12:00pm and the third Monday of the month from 5-7pm. “We bought food from Gleaners Food Bank twice a month and with our number of families served increasing, our food supply was pretty much depleted after each distribution. We had hoped to build an inventory of food but have been unable to maintain one,” explained Jan Long, MCFP Pantry Coordinator. According to Gleaners, wholesale food prices are increasing more than retail prices. MCFP used their $10,000 grant from the Ewing Fund in less than five months. From 9/20/2022-9/18/2023, MCFP served an average of 144 families. In those first six months, they served an average of 134 families. During the second six months it rose to 153 families. The need in our community continues to increase. Their story illustrates everything we learned during the showing of “The Working Hungry” and the discussion following. Learn more about growing problem of food insecurity in Indiana and what you can do to help.