Grantee Update: The Heart of Rushville 10th July 2024 2023 Recipient $5,150: Community Grants submitted by Raymond Rathz The Heart of Rushville received a 2023 Community Grant to install locally designed art on INDOT traffic control boxes along Main Street. The idea behind the project originated with the Christmas on Main Committee of The Heart of Rushville. They were looking for ways to make the rather boring silver traffic control boxes more interesting and eye catching. When brought to the full Board, the idea was enthusiastically approved with the caveat that it will be as local as possible. We decided to partner with the Imagine:Nation Arts Council to use their expertise to find the right subject matter and artists. This resulted in a fruitful collaboration. From a list of Rush County artists we paired it down to the top four candidates who use different styles. After we received the grant from the Rush County Community Foundation, we approached the artists and allowed them to pick their subject matter and the locations of the boxes. We followed this up by working with CAIN Signs to find our parameters to give to the Artists. Brad and Benda were amazing in helping us to thread through issues with layout and how to effectively turn various mediums into vinyl wraps. So the artists gave us their initial designs. The Heart Board reviewed and provided suggestions for changes. When the artists gave us their final design, we submitted those to the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) for approval. We worked closely with Mayor Pavey and the City of Rushville as they were required to be the signatures who would guarantee maintenance on the vinyl wraps and they would have the ultimate liability if there were issues with the process. Riley Sheehan was able to complete her “Lions Crayon Box” quickly and this was our first submittal. This design and location were chosen due to 11th Street being the gateway to the Rushville Schools Campus. The other artists designs were submitted when as we received them. The process through INDOT took several months. Fortunately, we were able to get Riley’s design and printed quickly which allowed Cain Signs to get the vinyl installed last fall before the cold weather hit. We learned that the installation needs several days of warm weather to cure properly. When the traffic control box was completed, there was a lot of buzz around town and on Facebook. People loved the design and the idea of the project. By the time the other designs were approved by INDOT, we lost the warm weather and Cain Signs reported that we would have to wait until late spring. Two more, Tracy Flynn‘s “Lets Go Out to the Movies” box , to honor the history and rebirth of the Iconic Princess Theatre at 3rd and Main Street and Darrin McGowan’s “COL Joe Cotton Tribute” next to the Veterans Memorial on the Courthouse Square at 2nd and Main were installed late May and Early June as the weather was perfect. The last art installation that is part of this grant is Lance Woskobojnik‘s “Music Lifts a Community” located at Water Street and Main, the gateway to the Rushville amphitheater. It was installed as soon as the weather cooled into the 80’s. We found out that too hot of weather will cause the vinyl to stick “too quickly” which will ruin it. We are excited by the reaction of the community, visitors and commuters passing through to the art installations. It has had the desired effect of starting conversations, and having people stop to look, take photos and walk downtown to look at them. We have had several downtown merchants tell us they have had locals and out of towners stop to ask questions about the boxes. We feel this will continue as more people see them throughout the summer and beyond. We have three more traffic control boxes in the works. The first two, Conrad Harcourt Way and Main, by Rush Memorial Hospital and at the US 52 and SR 3 split have artists selected and they are beginning their designs. We are still looking for an artist for the 3rd box, 7th overall, at 1st and Main. We hope to get funding to complete the designs and approvals in time so they can be installed before the weather turns cold. This has been a fun project and very rewarding. We took plain boxes and wrapped them in beautiful and varied art that reflects different aspects of our community. We feel we have succeeded in creating a real conversation piece for a more than 1 mile stretch of our busiest road. We gratefully appreciate the Rush County Community Foundation for their guidance, assistance and belief in what we are doing. We also thank our Artists, Cain Signs, the City of Rushville and the Indiana Department of Transportation for their hard work in making this happen. It proves that when a community comes together, anything is possible.