Gifts of Grain

Harvesting for the future of Rush County

The Rush County Community Foundation provides a number of opportunities for you to make a difference in our community, including the opportunity for you to contribute grain.


Gifts of grain support the Rush County Ag Fund, a field of interest fund that provides grants to support nonprofit agricultural programming for educational training, youth farm programs and preserving the history of agriculture in Rush County.


Gifting grain provides tax benefits – and it’s easy!  If you are interested in giving grain, the Foundation has an account established at all local elevators.   When you deliver the grain, you simply determine how many bushels or a dollar amount you’d like to give, and fill out an elevator donation form that transfers the sale of the crop to the Foundation.


Donors often give because of the tax benefits.  A cash-basis farmer that contributes grain to the Foundation does not include the sale of the crop in income, which results in saving self-employment tax, federal income tax, and state income tax.*


For more information on gifting grain, visit your local elevator or our office.


*We encourage you to talk with your tax professional  to determine the best option for your financial goals.