Funds: Organizations

ARC of Rush County

A designated endowment fund to provide support for ARC of Rush County, an organization that supports the needs of individuals who are mentally/physically challenged and their families.

ARC of Rush County Fund (Pass-Through)

A temporary pass-through fund to provide support for ARC of Rush County, an organization that supports the needs of individuals who are mentally/physically challenged and their families.

Boy Scouts of America Fund

Established in 2000, William “Bill” Herdrich created this fund to provide financial support to the Rush County Boy Scouts, particularly to support attending scout camp. All Rush County Boy Scout and Cub Scout Troop leaders are invited to request funding for scouts who might need financial help to attend Boy Scout Camp.

Grant Application: Boy Scouts of America Fund – Applications due 3/1.

Boys and Girls Club of Rush County Fund

A designated endowment fund to support the Rush County Boys & Girls Club.

Carthage Lions Club Fund

A designated endowment fund to support the charitable activities of the Carthage Lions Club.

Carthage Lions Club Pass-Through Fund

A non-permanent fund to support emergent charitable activities and expenses of the Carthage Lions Club

Cornelius B. and Nancy Waggener Oster Fund

A designated endowment fund that supports the Rush County Historical Society.

Dessie H. Lower 4-H Fund

A designated endowment fund established to support the Rush County 4-H Program and 4-H Council.

Dolletta Marie Callahan Rush County 4-H Awards Fund

A designated endowment fund to support the annual purchase of 4-H plaques for 4-H awards.

Donald and Mary Gray Marshall Fund

A designated endowment fund established to provide annual support for the Rushville, IN Lodge #1307, Benevolent and Protective Order of the Elks, and the Hopewell Cemetery Association.

Ebert H. and Bessie M. Schroeder Fund

A designated purpose fund endowment established by Wilma Jo Kile to honor her parents by supporting the operations of a community center. “This project is a transformational, long-overdue, dream come true for Rush County. From an educational standpoint, I can think of nothing else that would provide the value-added amenities that a multipurpose community center would provide to the residents of Rush County,” shared Wilma Jo.

Ercell Bever Jr. Memorial Fund

A designated endowment fund to support the charitable needs of the Carthage Community.

Eva Leatrice Robinson Fund

A designated endowment fund that provides funds for toys, games, and/or play articles for hospitalized children at Rush Memorial Hospital.

Fred Marshall Healthy Futures Fund

Rush County Community Assistance supports individuals with food insecurities and establishes this advised pass-through fund that will initially support cooking classes.

Jennifer Harcourt Buchanan and Fred Marshall

Gilbert E. and Phyllis C. Joyce Fund

A designated endowment fund to support charitable activities of Rush County Senior Citizens, Inc., Phoenix Lodge #62 F&AM of Rushville, IN., Benevolent Protection of the Order of the Elks, Rushville Lodge #1307, and American Legion Rushville Post #150.

Harvey M. Arnold Jr. & R. Genevieve McGhee Arnold Memorial Fund

A designated endowment fund that provides scholarships for campers to attend the Mahoning Valley Christian Service Camp.

James, Easter and Joseph Moster Family 4-H Fund

A designated endowment fund intended to promote and foster 4-H work in Rush County.

Judy Colangelo Cancer Treatment Fund

A designated endowment fund to assist patients not able to pay and not covered by Medicare or Medicaid with the cost of cancer treatments and/or experimental procedures.  The fund is distributed through Rush Memorial Hospital’s Sheehan Cancer Center.

Kappa Kappa Kappa, Phi Chapter Fund

A designated endowment fund to provide support to the charitable activities of Kappa Kappa Kappa, Inc. Phi Chapter of Rushville, IN.

Laughlin Family Trust Fund

A designated endowment fund established to award money yearly to a new school teacher of Rush County Schools and support the Rushville Public Library with new books or summer programs.

Lightsource bp Raleigh Volunteer Fire Department Fund

Provide support to Raleigh Volunteer Fire Department, for the purchase and maintenance of emergency services equipment and vehicles.

M.O.R.E. for Kids Fund

A designated endowment fund to provide financial support for Mentors of Rush County Empowering Youth Inc. organization.

Manilla Community Volunteer Fire Department Fund

A designated endowment fund to support Manilla Community Volunteer Fire Department.

Milroy Psi Iota Xi Fund

A designated endowment fund to support the charitable activities of the Psi Iota Xi Sorority of Milroy, IN.

Milroy Street Light Association Fund

A designated endowment fund to support the Milroy Street Light Project.

Nelson Farms Endowment Fund

A designated endowment fund that annually supports the Posey Township Volunteer Fire Department, RCCF R.N. Club Scholarship Fund, Arlington East Hill Cemetery Association, Rush County Heritage, and Rush County Historical Society.

New Salem Lions Club Fund

A designated endowment fund to provide annual support for the New Salem Lions Club, Inc.

Nick Singleton Memorial Fund

A designated endowment fund that provides annual support for the activities of the City of Rushville Parks Department.

People Helping People Fund

A designated endowment fund that provides annual support to the Rush County United Fund.

Phyllis C. Joyce DAR Good Citizen Scholarship Pass-Through Fund

A non-permanent fund to provide support for the Rushville Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution’s Phyllis C. Joyce Good Citizen Scholarship

Pitman Worthington Family Fund

A designated endowment fund that provides financial support to the Rush County Historical Society.

Robert and Sandra Duddy Fund

A designated endowment fund created by Robert and Sandra Duddy to provide annual support to the Rushville Public Library.

Rotary Club of Rushville Fund

A designated endowment fund to support the charitable activities of the Rotary Club of Rushville.

Rush County Chamber of Commerce Fund

A designated endowment fund to support the charitable activities of the Rush County Chamber of Commerce.

Rush County Fairgrounds Fund

A designated endowment fund to support the work of the Rush County Agricultural Association.

Rush County Health, Inc. Physician Presence Fund

A designated endowment fund intending to improve general health care services in Rush County by providing funds to Rush Memorial Hospital to enable the purchase of equipment.

Rush County Historical Society Fund

A designated endowment fund to support the Rush County Historical Society.

Rush County Historical Society Fund (Pass-Through)

A temporary pass-through fund that provides financial support to Rush County Historical Society.

Rush County Humane Society Fund

A designated endowment fund to provide support to the Rush County Humane Society.

Rush County Senior Citizens Center, Inc. Fund

A designated endowment fund supporting the Rush County Senior Citizens Center.

Rush County Veterans Memorial Foundation Fund (Pass-Through)

A  pass-through fund that provides financial support for the activities of the Rush County Veterans Memorial Foundation, Inc.

Rush Masonic Lodge #580 F & AM

A designated endowment fund that benefits Rush Masonic Lodge #580, F & AM of Carthage, IN.

Rush Memorial Hospital Fund

A designated endowment fund that supports Rush Memorial Hospital.

Rushville Lodge 1307 B.P.O.E. Fund

A designated endowment fund that provides an annual distribution to support the Rushville Lodge #1307 of BPOE of Elks with funds for a scholarship to a graduating RCHS senior attending a two-or four-year vocational school or college.

Rushville Public Library Fund, Established by the Pattison-Schrichte Family

A designated endowment fund in which distributions are utilized to enhance the library’s current or future needs.

Rushville/Rush County Community Center Fund (Pass-Through)

A non-permanent pass-through fund to provide support for the construction and operation of the Rushville/Rush County Community Center.

Shares, Inc. Rush County Endowment Fund

A designated endowment fund to provide support to Shares, Inc.

Tobi L. Coon, T.L.C. to Earth Fund (Pass-Through)

A non-permanent pass-through fund to support the construction and maintenance of Tobi Land, a children’s playground located at the Caldwell Pioneer Acres.

We Believe in FFA Fund

A non-permanent fund to provide support to the Rush County FFA program.