Foundation Fact Friday: Planning a Gift Now, for the Future 25th May 2018 As May concludes, our local farmers are busy in the fields and gardeners are preparing their garden for a fruitful season. Spring serves as an opportunity for us to plant a seed for a future harvest. While “planting a seed” can be taken literally, it’s also a term used within the charitable community. Donors wishing to leave their legacy and/or impact the community beyond their lifetime have the opportunity to plant the seed now to ensure their philanthropic goals are fulfilled in the future. The Rush County Community Foundation is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that provides an opportunity for individuals and families to leave a lasting impact on their choice of charitable causes serving our community. In fact, planned gifts have been a popular gift option for our donors: since 2008, the Foundation has received $3.9 million in planned gifts alone. Leaving a legacy through a planned gift instrument can be a great way to make a difference in the community while also providing an opportunity for donors to reduce or avoid taxes. The Foundation can be named a beneficiary in a variety of planned gift instruments: wills/bequests, retained life interest, charitable lead trusts, life insurance, retirement plans, and charitable annuities. The instrument each donor chooses is specific to their financial goals and interests and should be discussed with their trusted professional advisor. The Foundation is happy to take part in the discussion and offer information on how we can work together to ensure that the donors’ philanthropic goals are documented and best prepared for future execution. To learn more about planting the seed for Rush County’s future, contact us! Information is available on our website at, or can be obtained in our office at 117 N. Main St. Rushville.