Rapid Relief Grant Awarded to Aid Rush County Economic Recovery Taskforce 30th April 2020 Your gifts are working hard again to help our community win the fight against this pandemic. The third Rush to Help: COVID-19 Rapid Relief Fund grant from the Rush County Community Foundation (RCCF) has been awarded to the City of Rushville to support the county-wide Economic Recovery Taskforce efforts. The money, $4,160, is being used to expand the City’s intern program, allowing the interns to begin working immediately, instead of starting in June. One full-time and three part-time interns will help build a database of the 500+ businesses in the county. Along with other local leaders, they are calling local businesses to record all contact information, document the changes each has faced since March 1 and share resources about assistance programs. A communication plan will be developed specifically for businesses. “We are so thrilled to have the opportunity to work side-by-side with local youth to gather critical information in a timely manner for our Rush County Economic Recovery Taskforce. Utilizing individual phone conversations, we have gathered employment figures, personal stories of how COVID-19 has impacted each industry in the county, and built key contact information to ensure we are prepared to communicate quickly to businesses now and in the future,” said Brian Sheehan, Director of Special Projects for the City of Rushville. This comprehensive list will be the first of its kind in our community. With the information gathered, the Economic Recovery Taskforce can make assessments about workforce issues and other gaps. It will provide a means to better support businesses through the recovery of the pandemic and into the future. Mason Gordon, one of the newly hired interns, added, “Because of support from the Rush County Community Foundation, we truly have a better understanding of how our community has been impacted by the pandemic. This is why I love my hometown – we watch after our own in times of crisis.” The people and businesses of Rush County are strong because we work together. Your gifts continue to provide support needed to transform recovery into victory. In this case, they will help the doors reopen and remain open for businesses throughout the county. Previous awards from the fund have supported the Rush County Community Assistance Food Pantry and the Milroy Community Food Pantry to ensure food security for all. There is a long road ahead of us, but we know we’ll make it. No amount is too small; the gifts all add up! And the CARES Act (Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security) has made has made it even more beneficial to donors. A new “above the line” charitable deduction of up to $300. For 2020, the income limit for cash contributions to charity rises to 100% of AGI (from the current 60% AGI limit). The repeal of required minimum distributions (RMD) for 2020. The tax filing deadline has been moved to July 15, 2020.onors by allowing for: You can support the Rush to Help: COVID-19 Rapid Relief Fund by by donating below, or mailing a check to RCCF, 117 N. Main Street, Rushville, IN 46173.