CIRCLe Fund Membership Deadline Approaching 20th February 2019 If you are interested in becoming a member, or renewing your membership of this circle of women working together to improve life in Rush County, you have until February 28th to join and be a participant in the selection of the 2019 grant. The group is now collecting $300 annual membership contributions. CIRCLe members will be granting 80 percent to an organization voted upon by the membership at their Fall Gathering. The remaining 20 percent will be endowed and continue to grow within the Rush County Community Foundation. The group would like to challenge their previous members to spread the word and invite a friend to join this year. Checks should be made payable and mailed or delivered to the Rush County Community Foundation, ATTN: The CIRCLe Fund, 117 N. Main St., Rushville, IN 46173 or may be processed via PayPal at