Community Based Action Planning: ANYBODY Can Do It, Including You!

by Lisa Benjamin, Marketing & Communications Officer


As the Marketing & Communications Officer at RCCF, it is my job to be involved in the Community Based Action Planning (CBAP) process. I need to know what’s happening to be able to share the progress with you.


But equally important is my role as a Rush County resident who wants the best for my community. This is why I am also serving as a volunteer with the Downtown Beautification project.


What’s really exciting about this is work is how empowering it feels. No one is telling us what to do. We’re deciding together how to best meet the challenges in front of us.


Our team scheduled a Zoom meeting for 8pm on a Wednesday night. I have to admit, at the time it felt like the last thing I wanted to do. By 9pm my outlook had changed. Completely. I was thrilled that we had worked through the next steps toward launching our project!


These ideas aren’t just dreams or wishful thinking. They will happen because of two reasons. There is community support – both in the desire to see change and in others willing to help. And also, because there are dollars backing these plans, thanks to your generosity through gifts to the Rush Action to Fund.


It’s not too late to add your support! Anyone is welcome to join at any time. Chances are excellent that you can find a project that sparks your interest


Maybe you don’t have the time right now. That’s ok, too. If you have the means to donate, it’s the perfect time to do so. The RCCF board of directors is matching all donations to the Rush to Action Fund up to $50,000 made by March 1st. You can give online or mail a check to: RCCF, 117 N. Main Street, Rushville, IN 46173.


The next group meeting is tentatively scheduled for March 8th. Get in touch with us if you’d like to attend, learn more, or join a project – or (765)938-1177.


I saw this quote recently. “There was an important job to be done, and EVERYBODY was sure that SOMEBODY would do it. ANYBODY could have done it, but NOBODY did it. SOMEBODY got angry because it was EVERYBODY’s job. EVERYBODY thought that ANYBODY could do it. But NOBODY realized that EVERYBODY wouldn’t do it. It ended up that EVERYBODY blamed SOMEBODY when NOBODY did what ANYBODY could’ve done.”


I’m proud to be ANYBODY and do the important job. Won’t you join me and be ANYBODY, too?!

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