Be a Part of History: Get a Bicentennial Postal Cancellation

Want a unique way to celebrate and remember Rush County’s Bicentennial? Get a special postal cancellation on 9/17/2022. 


What’s a postal cancellation you might be wondering? When you send mail with a postage stamp, the Post Office marks over it with the location and date received, also known as a postmark. Rushville’s post office will be using a specially designed cancellation to commemorate Rush County’s Bicentennial from 9/17-12/31/2022.


Here’s how to make a unique keepsake: (Download a flyer.)

  • Write a letter to your recipient of choice. It can even be yourself!
  • You might tell what you’re doing, how you’re celebrating and how you feel about Rush County turning 200 years old.
  • Go to the Post Office on Saturday, September 17 to mail your letter.
  • It will be postmarked with the special cancellation, seen above.


This is a fun and easy way for anyone to be a part of history. Thanks to Charles Fields for his work in making this happen!


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