All Signs Point to RCCF 17th July 2015 If you’ve been reading this article throughout the past few weeks, you’ve likely recognized the Rush County Community Foundation’s involvement with the majority of local non-profit organizations and the impact we’ve had throughout the community. Our community grants have enabled over $900,000 worth of improvements in Rush County. $1.5 million from Lilly Endowment GIFT money given to RCCF has made the renovation and development of many local, well-utilized buildings possible. Finally, as a public foundation, we assist many local non-profit organizations, churches, cemeteries, and causes by allowing the creation of funds in which individuals can donate. Together, this donation/investment/giving strategy has provided millions of dollars for our community that would otherwise not be possible. Because our list of impact is so vast, it’s difficult to list everything RCCF has done for your community. If you’re curious for specific examples of our dollars in action, keep your eyes open when you’re throughout Rush County! The sign pictured below is placed at many of our grant recipient’s locations. If you see this sign, you know we’ve been a part of something great at that site! You can be a part of our impact. Right now, donations given to our community grant funds are matched $1 for $1. Every dollar counts, therefore no donation is too small or too big. If you’re interested in learning more, contact our office at (765) 938-1177, visit us at 117 N Main St or at