A Gift to Outlast a Lifetime

Have you ever considered how long forever is?  Working at the Rush County Community Foundation, it’s a concept we think about daily.  Gifts to the Foundation are permanent.  Gifts are invested.  Gifts grow, and only a portion are distributed to a good cause, so that money will forever be available to assist Rush County non-profit organizations, charitable causes, our community, and our residents.


Forever is a long time, and as you consider a gift, we hope you’ll consider the power you can forever make in Rush County by giving through the Rush County Community Foundation.


Did you know that planned giving is an option available through the Rush County Community Foundation?  You can leave a lasting legacy by recognizing a charitable cause, developing an endowment fund, or adding to an existing fund at the Foundation in various ways:  by leaving a bequest in your Will, naming the Foundation as a beneficiary for retirement plans, charitable remainder trusts, charitable gift annuities, or termed life insurance, or through a variety of contributions – including real estate, stock, or property.  Your legacy is important, and we want to help you leave a lasting imprint on the causes most important to you, right here at home.


For more information on the ways you can give, give us a call or visit the “Giving” tab on our website.



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