30th Anniversary Celebration Wrap-up 16th July 2021 RCCF was born out of a window of opportunity three decades ago. When Lilly Endowment Inc.’s first Giving Indiana Funds for Tomorrow (GIFT) challenge was offered, Rick Levi, Paul Barada and Danny Earnest seized the opportunity. RCCF was formed on May 21, 1991. Since then, making the most of windows of opportunity has become an RCCF specialty. Our 30th anniversary celebration on July 8th was no exception. The time to gather safely together in person finally arrived. So many folks shared with us how much they truly enjoyed the chance to catch up with each other. The weather even cooperated with the rain letting up before the festivities began – and then holding off until after we were headed home. Red and white checked tablecloths and Mason jars of fresh flowers gave the indoor space at Caldwell Pioneer Acres a picnic-like atmosphere. Ollie’s BBQ food truck served up delicious platefuls of pulled pork, baked beans and coleslaw. Sweetly Simple’s Rachel Miller baked her heart out to provide seemingly endless trays of cookies and cupcakes. Outside, RCCF frisbees were flying and guests enjoyed putt-putt and cornhole from the Rushville Parks Department’s game truck. We couldn’t have asked for a better evening. Judging by the smiles and laughter filling – and overflowing the room, our guests had as much fun as we did. Thank you to everyone who made the time to be together! “What a wonderful evening it was indeed! Thank you, thank you so much for the invitation,” said attendee, Kevin Snyder. “It was a good time gathering with many smiling people,” agreed Lisa Smith. “RCCF encourages the givers and receivers in our community.” The good work funded by RCCF is made possible by the generosity of our donors, so this celebration was really about you. After all, Community is our middle name. All that we’ve been able to accomplish together in 30 years has been impressive. The best part is that we’re really just getting started. Every gift that has been made to RCCF’s permanent funds continues to make an impact today and will always. These dollars are carefully invested to generate earnings. The earnings create grants and scholarships. The original gifts remain invested to keep the cycle going – forever. And that is quite a window; one full of limitless opportunities. To view a slideshow of all photos, click on any photo. Use the arrows to the right and left to manually advance or the play button at the bottom.