Top Strengths of Team RCCF 2nd April 2022 Have you ever taken a StrengthsFinder assessment? It’s a tool that helps you discover what you naturally do best. We did this with our board and have continued to explore the results as a staff. Not to be boastful, but we’ve always considered ourselves to be a great team. This confirmed why. We’re all in the right positions according to our strengths! Take a look: Alisa: Executive Director / Strength #1: Futuristic Is there any better fit to head an organization than someone who thrives on the possibilities created by the future?! We’re in good hands with Alisa and her forward-thinking leadership. Angie: Administrative & Accounts Coordinator / Strength #1: Consistency Angie’s role requires great attention to detail to perform so many behind-the-scenes tasks accurately and efficiently, which in turn keeps RCCF running as a well-oiled machine. Kristie: Program Officer / Strength #1: Maximizer Kristie works with so many groups – students, nonprofits, scholarship and grants committees, and now CBAP participants. Her ability to get excellent results from these groups helps our mission to enhance life in Rush County shine. Lisa: Marketing & Communication Officer / Strength #1: Input Lisa collects ideas, photographs, best practices and relationships to tell RCCF’s story by sharing the impact your support creates for our community. We’ll be sharing more of our strengths in the coming months and more importantly putting them to work for Rush County.