The Wayne L. and Evelyn J. Miller Community Fund

Wayne and Evelyn Miller shared many things during their 61-year marriage, including their passion for helping their community. Both Wayne and Evelyn were very active volunteers for multiple charities and had often talked about establishing a fund with the Rush County Community Foundation to make an even larger and longer-lasting contribution. Unfortunately, Wayne passed away before they had actually started a fund; but in 2015—6 years after Wayne’s passing—Evelyn created the Wayne L. and Evelyn J. Miller Community Fund in her husband’s memory.


Though Evelyn has not always been a Rush County resident, the 66 years that she has spent in our community have been dedicated to giving back to it. She is an active member of the First Presbyterian Church in Rushville and has been involved in the United Fund, the Salvation Army, the Mental Health Association, Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, and the reading program at the Rushville Elementary School.


While she has been involved in several different charities and organizations over the years, she is most passionate about children. She spent 8 years doing the Lunch Buddy Program with Big Brothers Big Sisters and described it as one of the most rewarding things she has ever done. She also continues to read at the elementary school every week.


When asked why she has given so much of her time to helping others, Evelyn said that it’s “just how she’s made.” Evelyn decided to create her fund because she wants those responsible for directing and administering the many charitable programs in Rush County to know that there are people who genuinely care about what they’re doing. Evelyn’s only goal for her fund is to help others—which is why she created a community fund. Community funds like the Millers’ have a large reach, and she hopes that her fund will be able to help as many people as possible.


The Wayne L. and Evelyn J. Miller Community Fund is doing what Evelyn and her husband had always hoped it would—making a difference in their community. By creating a fund to carry on her and her husband’s legacy of care and support in Rush County, Evelyn has helped make a lasting impact that will only continue to grow over the years.

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