Fundraiser Policy Fiscal Sponsorship Letter and FAQs for Fundraising Activities for Funds held by the Rush County Community Foundation Thank you for establishing a fund with Rush County Community Foundation. We value your confidence and partnership and always endeavor to provide you with the very best possible service. Often, groups that want to increase the amount of money in a particular fund at the Rush County Community Foundation consider undertaking some form of fundraising to benefit the fund. This fundraising might take the form of requesting money through an appeal letter to friends and associates, organizing a golf tournament or holding a benefit dinner. To help you understand the ways an individual or group can hold a fundraising event, and to clarify the role of Rush County Community Foundation in such endeavors, we provide the following information. What are the ways that individuals or groups use fundraising to build the assets of their fund? The two most common ways that funds of the Rush County Community Foundation receive money from a fundraising event are: Proceeds from an event/solicitation sponsored by a 501 (c) (3) organization with a fund at the Rush County Community Foundation Organizations with their own federal I.D. number (ex.: PTO groups, local service groups) sponsor a fundraising event/solicitation and deposit the proceeds (which may include individual donor checks) into their Rush County Community Foundation fund. The organization issues its own acknowledgment letters, and the donors receive a charitable deduction for their gifts because the sponsoring organization has its own charitable tax status. Proceeds from an event/solicitation for which donors were not offered a tax deduction This is the most common way component funds of Rush County Community Foundation receive money from a fundraising event. The net income is forwarded to the Foundation and designated for a particular fund. The Foundation has neither endorsed the activity nor been involved in its planning or execution. The Foundation does not acknowledge the individual contributors of the dollars, and no one receives a charitable deduction for participating in the event. A receipt for the net amount received is sent to the organizing group. Any published materials related to the fundraising event should have the following wording: “The net proceeds of this event will be contributed to the XYZ Scholarship Fund of Rush County Community Foundation. Charitable deductions are not allowed for participating in this event. The Rush County Community Foundation does not endorse, nor been involved in the planning or execution of this event.” What is the first step in undertaking a fundraising event for a fund at the Rush County Community Foundation? If you are considering a fundraising event, solicitation or project of any kind for a fund of the Rush County Community Foundation, you must discuss your plans with the Executive Director of the Foundation at least 60 days in advance of the event. You can call to arrange a meeting at your convenience. The Board of Directors and Executive Staff at the Rush County Community Foundation want those groups and individuals interested in conducting a fundraising event to have the ability to hold the fundraiser of their choosing. However, in order for the Foundation to meet its tax-exempt status requirements and legal liability requirements, certain guidelines must be followed. At the meeting, the Executive Director will want to discuss with the group or individuals the specifics of the fundraising event. The Executive Director will review and provide guidance on the following: Type of Fundraising Event How money will be collected How to properly keep records of the money collected Whether charitable deductions for individual contributors will be desired, and how that may affect the fundraiser Insurance liability requirements Use of the Foundation name The Executive Director will also provide and review the Rush County Community Foundation Fiscal Sponsorship Policy with the group/individual, and answer any remaining questions. May an individual or group apply for funding from other foundations and/or local, state or federal agencies on behalf of a fund? The Rush County Community Foundation must review each circumstance on a case-by-case basis. Please do not seek this type of funding without discussing your plans with Rush County Community Foundation. Often, grant proposals such as these involve managing programs in order to carry out a project. It is the policy of the Rush County Community Foundation that it will not serve as the fiscal agent for state or federal funds. Questions: Please call Chris May at (765) 938-1177, ext 1 or contact via email: