Our Heartfelt Thanks to Gerald 10th March 2023 It takes a brave man to come out of the comfort of retirement and lead an organization again. And it takes even more courage to tell his wife that some of their plans will have to be put on hold. But Gerald Mohr is this man and much more. He took on the role of Interim Executive Director because that’s what he does. He rises to the challenge of creating a better life for all in our community. He even took a few Zooms from the beach in Florida. That’s his level of commitment. He’s funny and kind. With an endless supply of fascinating stories, his next project should be to write a book or record a podcast about life and folks in Rush County. Seriously. We send our heartfelt thanks to Gerald for stepping in until Chris came on board. He would probably say that it was no big deal, but it was. We appreciate you, Gerald! And thank you, Anita, for letting us borrow him – he’s all yours again!