Oh, What Fund(s)?!

You could say that the Rush County Community Foundation has impacted our community in over 11,000,000 ways.  Each dollar of the $11,000,000+ disbursed from our endowment funds has enabled a non-profit organization, person, or community project to develop.  That’s a lot of money for Rush County organizations and people that comes from a lot of funds at the Rush County Community Foundation!


Numerous churches, nonprofit agencies, and causes have funds at the RCCF that support opportunities that may not otherwise be possible.  In fact, we have 175 endowment funds and 16 temporary “pass-through” funds that are invested and disbursed annually, benefitting specific organizations, causes, needs and our community as a whole.  If you review our lengthy list, it’s understandable if you find yourself battling which fund to support or uncertain of how to donate altogether!


We want our donors and community to understand our funds and their impact.  To help you, we thought it be beneficial to break down the variety of fund categories currently held at the RCCF:

  • Church Funds:
    • Funds established by or for the named church.  Permanent endowment funds support the church’s charitable purpose annually in perpetuity, while nonpermanent “pass-through” funds might support a special project or urgent need.  The Rush County Community Foundation has 16 funds to support our local churches.


  • Cemetery Funds:
    • Permanent endowment funds set up by or for the named cemetery.  The annual disbursement supports the cemetery’s ongoing needs.  Currently, the Foundation has 14 funds to support Rush County cemeteries.


  • Community Grant Funds:
    • Permanent endowment funds to benefit Rush County as a whole.  Disbursements are made to assist nonprofit organizations with projects, equipment, and programs that provide a great impact for our community.  Despite the broad, everlasting purpose, these funds can be among the most challenging to raise – typically, because they are not specific and instead, are intended to support the community’s ever-changing needs forever.  The Foundation is home to 11 named community grant “unrestricted endowment” funds.


  • Field of Interest Funds:
    • Funds that benefit a specific interest and need within our community, such as education, youth sports, or hunger.  Distributions from these funds are primarily awarded via grants and an application process.  We have 15 funds of this type at the Rush County Community Foundation.


  • Organization Funds:
    • Funds that provide annual disbursements to support the charitable works of the named nonprofit agency.  Permanent endowment funds to support nonprofit agencies relieve their staff and boards of continuous fundraising and/or grant-writing.  The Rush County Community Foundation supports 35 local organizations through these fund types.


  • Scholarship Funds:
    • Funds to benefit students pursuing higher education.  Scholarship funds are among the most well-known funds housed at the Foundation, and we are fortunate to have 73 named scholarship endowments.


  • Donor Advised Funds:
    • Permanent endowment funds established by a donor(s) to support the defined charitable cause.  Donors may hold an advisory role in the selection process and disbursement of funds.  Currently, the Rush County Community Foundation has 1 donor advised fund.


Within each fund category, a number of funds exist that provide parameters on how funds should be disbursed.  Field of Interest funds, for example, range in the type of work they support:  we have funds that provide grant opportunities for youth athletics, funds that support music, and funds that support our parks (among others!).   Scholarships might be unique to a university or profession.  ALL of our fund types can be named, and you’ll notice many of them are named in memory or honor of a loved one or in recognition of the cause the fund is supporting.  When electing to contribute to a fund, it might be worthwhile to read more about the fund’s purpose on our website.


Regardless of the type of fund you choose to give to, each dollar contributed to a permanent endowment fund is permanently invested to grow and give back forever.  When you make a gift to the Rush County Community Foundation, no matter the size, you’re providing an everlasting gift and opportunity for an organization and individuals right here in Rush County.

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