Throughout the month of March, you can double your dollars by contributing to RCCF’s Community Grant funds! For a limited time*, your contribution will be matched $1 for $1! To add some competitive fun to the Matchness, beginning Friday, March 2nd at 8p.m., RCCF will compete again Shares, Inc. in the first round of the Indiana “Brackets for Good” fundraising tournament for a chance to advance and win $10,000 for Rush County! For every dollar you give, we not only get one point on the board, but your dollars will be locally matched by RCCF and we can double our score! Your donation benefits RCCF’s community grants program—funding more than 300 programs, projects and needs of organizations serving you and our community. *Matching funds are available throughout the month of March for community grant funds (aka “unrestricted endowment funds”), until the available $25,000 pool of matching funds is depleted